Easy Salmon

Published: Jan 16, 2022 | Total Time: 20 min

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1  filet Salmon
1  tbsp Italian Seasoning
1  tbsp Butter Alternative


  1. Prehead oven to 425F
  2. Fill a bowl with water and dunk the salmon in. You could eat without dunking but I find it removes a little of the fishiness flavor.
  3. Get foil and put it on a small sheet pan. Spray with olive oil so the foil is heavily coated. Fish really likes to stick.
  4. Cover with italian seasoning. then divide the fake butter up and put into smaller scoops on the fish. It'll melt and coat it more evenly.
  5. Bake for 10-15 minutes on the top rack. Use a thermometer to measure until it reaches 145F

Healthy for you and highly convenient. Taste is good but not great, but this gets higher stars for convenience.

Interesting cooking tip, rinsing meat sprays bacteria and viruses around the kitchen. If you like to wash your meat, then fill a bowl with water and dunk it in instead. Still technically not necessary but much better than rinsing the meat.